50 Things To Toss Today For A More Organized, Decluttered Home



  1. Rags with gaping holes
  2. Expired medical supplies
  3. A backlog of old mail
  4. Outdated brochures
  5. Hoarded receipts
  6. Obsolete administrative documents
  7. A collection of old birthday cards
  8. Broken or forgotten toys
  9. Abandoned Happy Meal toys
  10. Items missing crucial components
  11. Toys that no longer capture children’s interest
  12. Duplicate items
  13. Puzzles with missing pieces

Feel free to print out this list so you can check off each task as you tackle them.

Remember, if you’re dealing with a substantial amount of clutter, it might seem like an insurmountable task. However, starting with items that definitely shouldn’t find a place in your new, organized home can be a gratifying first step. Happy decluttering!

image source : kidsactivitiesblog.com

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