9 Emotional Changes We All Face When A Parent Dies

7. You experience a sense of everything collapsing around you.
Losing a parent makes you feel as though the world is collapsing around you. You believe that the world is changing drastically and that you are evolving into an entirely new being. It will never again be the same, and this is quite true.
8. You harbour resentment against people who still have both parents.
After losing your parents, seeing other people with their parents will make you wish you could see them again. You’ll feel envious of those who get to spend more time with the individuals they value the most. You’ll go around telling people all the time how short life is and how crucial it is for them to spend as much time as possible with their parents.
9. You regret all the things you either did incorrectly or never got to do.
You will reflect on all the errors you made throughout your life and all the things you wish you could have done differently after your parents are gone. You’ll kick yourself for not supporting your parents—either one or both—the way you should have. You’ll experience more emotions than you may ever fully comprehend.




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