To create this homemade detergent, start by collecting orange peels and simmering them in a pot of water. Add a pinch of table salt and a tablespoon of baking soda, allowing the mixture to infuse. Once the water turns an orange hue, indicating that the infusion is complete, strain the liquid into a container. Stir in a dose of alcohol vinegar and a splash of detergent, making sure to mix well.
This homemade solution boasts impressive cleaning power, capable of removing stubborn grease stains on dishes and cookware. The combination of baking soda and vinegar effectively degreases, while the orange peel provides a refreshing scent, enhancing the overall cleaning experience.
By repurposing orange peels and enhancing them with simple additives like salt, households can not only reduce waste but also contribute to significant savings. Adopting such ingenious practices not only benefits the pocketbook but also promotes environmental awareness, turning everyday tasks into opportunities for sustainability.
😊 only educated members will say thank you 😊