Homemade cough syrup and pulmonary phlegm

It is emollient: the properties of turnip help to soothe the respiratory tract, sore throat. It is therefore very interesting for productive coughs.

It is anti-sceptic: turnip contains a high level of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.

Turnip syrup with the well method, gives a real syrup with a honeyed texture!!!

And above all, do not hesitate to do it with your child so that he enjoys tasting it afterwards!!!

It’s super simple:

Take a large turnip and cut off its upper part, keep the “hat” of the turnip Hollow out the turnip with a teaspoon and fill it with powdered sugar.
Here, we used 1 tsp of brown sugar and 1 tsp of organic French beet sugar, any sugar will do!

Replace the cap and place the turnip in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning, your syrup is ready.
Put the syrup in a small jar for easier use.
Take a tablespoon of syrup up to 4 times a day and keep it in the refrigerator for 7 days!
You can also replace the turnip with an onion and in this case the sugar with honey 🍯 !!!

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