To his credit, and our collective surprise, he chose to stay and learn.
Training course material on a desk | Source: Pexels
Months later, his transformation became a cornerstone of our restaurant’s reputation. He exemplified the power of second chances, becoming a favorite among our patrons.
But more than that — whenever my grandmother came over to the restaurant to help me work on a recipe, he was the first one to make sure that she was taken care of. He would bring her cups of tea and baskets of breadsticks.
Now, when I think about the restaurant and the fact that my grandmother had gone from being disrespected to being idolized, all I want is to know that she will be valued — and that all the lessons she teaches inside my kitchen are taken to heart.
A smiling old woman wearing a coat | Source: Pexels
What would you have done?
Couldn’t “next pege” so what happened?