This delicious mushroom soup mixes the rich taste of mushrooms with the sweet flavors of carrots, corn, and fragrant herbs. It’s the ideal food for a cozy meal that can be prepared in only 30 minutes, great for a fast lunch or dinner. Full of healthy ingredients and delicious taste, this soup is good for you and will make you feel full. Whether you like it as the main dish or with a salad or bread, this recipe will become a favorite.

Time to get ready.

Time to prepare: 10 minutes

Time to cook: 20 minutes

Time needed: 30 minutes

List of items needed to make a dish.

1 onion, cut into small pieces.

1 carrot, cut into small pieces.

3 pieces of minced garlic

100 grams of sliced mushrooms, which is about 1 cup.

100 grams of corn, which is equivalent to half a cup.

2 potatoes, cut into small pieces.

50 grams of noodles, which is equivalent to ⅓ cup.

Vegetable broth (enough to completely cover the ingredients)

Add salt and pepper according to your preference.

Add basil according to your preference.

Fresh parsley, finely chopped (to decorate)



Cook the onion and carrot in a big pot until they are soft.

Add mushrooms: Mix in garlic and mushrooms, cook until mushrooms turn brown.

Season the dish with salt, pepper, and basil.

Cook by boiling: Put potatoes, corn, and broth in the pot. Heat until boiling.

Make Noodles: Put noodles in the pot and cook for 10 minutes until they are soft along with the potatoes.

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